In cold weather, you will surely be pleased to wear warm knitted things of high quality yarn. We can find them in the wardrobe of almost any person. Sweaters, socks, dresses, hats, scarves and other clothes made of beautiful yarn are not only warm, but also different from your wardrobe. To make your clothes more durable, you should follow some recommendations for their care.
General requirements
Any beautiful lady looks very effective if she is dressed in knitted clothes. Designers offer new models that can be found online every season. To save them, you should simply make a repost photo. To do this, there is some special software such as Instant Save.
After your wardrobe is updated, you should urgently pay attention to the quality of the product. General requirements for clothing care depend on the composition of the yarn primarily from which it is made. That’s why you should read the information on the tag. Usually, note manufacturers are on label, and it includes detailed information on what requirements you need to comply with. However, there are general tips too, which are suitable for any knitted product:
- Before you wash, you should turn your clothes inside out.
- For yarn products, you should not use ordinary powders. A special tool for wool or delicate fabrics you will definitely need to use.
- Knitted clothes only tolerate hand washing in warm water.
- Such products do not tolerate drying on heaters or near such things.
- You should not to iron, but steam knitted wardrobe items

In order to learn more information, the modern man uses the Internet. Free apps for iPad are the optimal option for various tasks. These programs will help you to learn the features of care for a certain type of fabric.
Additional requirements
In addition to the main rules, there are some other requirements. They will help to ensure that the thing is preserved for a long time in its original form. Knitting products quickly lose their beauty. Therefore, it is advisable to subject them to minimal mechanical effects, including washing.
Such clothes are dried on a horizontal surface. If you do not comply with this requirement, they will deform quickly. In no case should you use a clothesline or hanger, as for the items of the wardrobe made of regular fabric. Also, you should not go to iron wet clothes made of yarn. This leads to deformation of the product. Do not iron things with convex or volumetric patterns.
Sweater of beautiful and warm yarn should not be stored on hangers because it can cause them to deform. These clothes are kept in the closet, but they should not be placed too tightly together. Periodically, you should take out your clothes and hang this in the air room. This will eliminate the appearance of unpleasant odour, especially in prolonged storage. Also, you should not trim the sticky threads on such clothes. Moreover, you should just move the thread to the outside and then attach it with a needle.

During the washing process, you should use products without bioactive additives and bleaching commens. If you start to use washing powder, it should be dissolved in water beforehand. Also, it will be irritated due to contact with yarn, as the shade can be distorted because of this. In addition, knitted clothing must not be subjected to severe mechanical stress. That’s why we only recommend hand washing or gentle washing in the washing machine.
Knitted clothing is popular due to its quality and stylish appearance. They are available in the wardrobe of almost any modern person. High-quality yarn clothing is expensive, but it will also last a long time if you do not forget to observe some requirements for their care.